Exhibit Topic

April 17, 2014

Main Topic The main topic of the exhibit that I am creating on omeka.net is a narrative that details the change of the boundaries of the District of Columbia. Not only does it talk about the dates the changes were made, but it goes into detail about the reasons why the changes were made. Content […]

The one idea that I like the most from my last post is looking into the change of the size of Washington D.C. The history behind why the changes were made is what is interesting. Next steps would be to look at maps of D.C. throughout history and to look up the history of time […]

Final Project Idea Proposal

February 19, 2014

First Idea Something about the history of Washington D.C. that interests me is the change of the area that the district encompasses. The District of Columbia has changed in both size and shape throughout the years, and the reasons for the changes have serious historical implications. Exploring those implications and their impacts on the rest […]